
he eats i swear :)

I really wanted to be the breastfeeding mom, openly whips out the boob in public, because really I wouldn't care. I wanted it to be a bonding experience, something that only I could do. I wanted to be able to talk about it in discussions and finally first hand understand. But let me tell you...

Blaiden is just not interested, I tried what everyone said to do... Took everyones advice even if i didn't like it. After 2 months I decided that he's just not interested, I believe in breast-milk! So I pump.. I have since he was 7 days old, Thats when my milk finally decided to show up. I had a terrible hospital experience & I semi blame that because he didn't go right to the boob... I was deathly ill.. there were so many things going on during the first 48 hours.... but really it's just not his cup-o-tea.

Unfortunately I also don't make ENOUGH milk, he eats about 25 oz a day and I produce about 1/2 of that or less.. so I supplement with formula & I don't see anything wrong with that. I take supplements, I try to eat right, I drink water and really I shouldn't have to defend myself Lol. I'm okay with this. I will someday produce more or maybe I wont, as long as he is getting some bm (breastmilk) I think its awesome. I don't feel any-less bonded & I don't think anyone has the right to say "Well you don't know, because you don't breast feed" - Just because he doesn't get it from the boob, or all his milk from the boob, I don't think I should be judged. He eats, He's healthy & Blaiden Orion is perfect!


I'm okay with this. Everyone has their opinions, i'm okay with that too.