This here is my nephew, Marley. He is a mutt, a cute mutt. We are unsure of how big or little he will be, right now he is 11 weeks only and weighs about 10 lbs. He's a little skinny, but we'll fatten him up. My brother, is he who adopted this little guy. I was under the impression we were getting an outdoor dog, but this little guy got a fair 1.5 week trial indoors. Little Mr cant control his bladder, so after aunt Mandy (me) had a restless night of playing his mind games, he is now outdoors. My backyard is not a very nice place, its over grown and under loved. I went out pretty early before the heat and made it semi welcoming to little Marley. Blocked all the escape routes, made him a shade spot, gave him a big ole water bowl & smashed down the weeds and covered with mulch for a place for him to potty, as he pleases, not on my NEW carpet or cute throw rugs...
It is now 1:00 pm and its probably about 83 degrees out, and he's a happy little guy. Chasing leaves. Splashin in his water bowl! Dude this dog was meant for the outdoors.
More to come..