Please note that whenever he was tired we'd let him sleep, not structured really, not in pattern with when he ate, accept middle of the night feedings.
Also he refused to latch (breastfeeding, so I pumped, often. Supplemented with formula often)
10 weeks old, randomly he decided "the boob" was now his thing. My supply wasn't fitting to his demand so I had to supplement but not as much.. It seemed we were gonna do this, Blaiden was gonna be a breast-fed baby. Well then all hell broke loose. Sleeping became a battle at any hour, and at the same time he developed a milk/soy allergy. They say babies sleep alot, that was NOT Blaidens case. He barely slept, I mean really i'd say maybe 8 hours through entire 24 hr period. In turn no-one else was sleeping, cranky mommy :( I had given the actual breatsfeeding (from the boob not the bottle) a fair two weeks and I was seriously done, It turned my lil baby into a monster.
One night, I was just so tired and so done with this fussy little guy being fussy, that I feed him in his bed, laid him down, gave him his bottle. Sometimes he'd finish, sometimes he wouldn't. I'd switch bottle for pacifier, ocassionally he'd just let it fall out, others he'd keep it in. BUT HE SLEPT!! Oh man was I releived, so this is just how its been. Bottle in bed, fall asleep. Naptime or Bedtime.
Almost 4 months old now (the 10th) and this is become a bad habit..
Because hes not always tired just at feeding, hes a light sleeper at times and wakes up, sometimes he doesn't fall asleep at the end of the bottle now... Feeding him just a little more doesn't always put him back to sleep then hes over ate and now he'll puke. It was really a BAD idea!! Bad mommy. Now I must fix this, we MUST fix this.
Last night was our first attempt (pick up/put down method). We gave him a bath (he loves his baths) he was pretty much falling asleep in his little tub. Then I fed him a bottle in my arms, he fell asleep, but I woke him to burp him. Which pretty much over stimulated, but I just rocked him a little and put him in bed with his paci and his ducky (a stuffed dog) and he was out.
MOMMY WAS SO MUCH HAPPY!!! (that was wayy tooo easy)
2:40 am SCREAMING baby, I go into his room, use soft voices tell him he needs to go back to sleep pat his back and give him his paci. I let him toss and turn as I just stood there. About ten minutes passed and he started to get really upset, so I picked him up, rocked him and gave him his paci (he took it, a cue to me hes NOT hungry). He started to nod off so I laid him back down and he seemed to be asleep so I go back to bed. 3 mins later, hes pissed! WAHHHHH, MA, MA, Wahh.... So I go back in, pick him up and rock him and he is so squirmy and wiggly and won't take his paci, literally spits it across the room (cue to me hes hungry). Make him a bottle and his daddy takes over, he feeds him, burps him, rocks him, lays him in the crib, he fussed for like 5 mins, he picked him back up, rocked him, layed him back down. I could hear , the baby monitor it took him about 20 mins to fall asleep but HE DID. At 4 am :/
Wow. That was rough.
So 7:10 he rises, happy.
I feed him, we play, he watches his movie (baby einstein discovering water), we play some more. 8:45 little man is hungry again and looks a little tired, so I feed, burp and rock, layed him n his crib (not asleep, 915) but very tired. He didnt fuss, he just layed there rolling back and forth trying to fall asleep, so I let him till he got upset, picked him up rocked him for about 5 mins, put him back down, and we repeated this cycle for an hour!! 10:15 hes asleep!!!
I have to be consistant. But this has to work, this nap was associated with a feeding, but I did not bottle feed in bed and he did fall asleep an hour later with no bottle help.
Mommy must have coffee now...