I was up at 6am today, not because of a screaming baby, it was from a happy baby.. He was cooing and just making noises. Its my favorite thing ever, makes me feel like i'm doing a good job as a mom, as Blaidens mom.
Up until now i've really had a hard time with advice & opinions of others. I let others opinions get to me way to much to the point I was really doubting myself. Looking back on the past 8 weeks I may have had a touch of post pardum depression or maybe just normal feelings during my hormones adjusting :/
Well needless to say emotionally as a Mom i'm doing much better.
I find myself starring a lot, at him. He's everything I hoped for and more. Everyday he gets cuter, everyday he gets even more personality and it makes me look forward to tomorrow :)
It's now 10:30 and he's up from his nap... Baby Einstein is on and he's a happy boy! I've never seen a new baby be into tv as much as him!