

No baby.
He must have been waiting for February.... so come on out now...

Please. Love you. Thank you lol.
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Things that are difficult when pregnant..

Shaving my legs
Putting socks or shoes on
Putting on underwear, pants or bottoms at all
Picking things up
Sitting at a table
Reading a text book
Not spilling
Getting things up high
Feeding the cats
Taking out the dog
Getting out of couch
Being nice.....
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My tutor

He swears he's helping....
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I have to do homework and read 3 chapters (the hmwk), why are textbooks so boring. They need more stories and examples.

I like online classes, but it'd be better if I took these classes with a buddy. Anybody wanna be my buddy? Lol
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Soo wasted a trip to the ER today... well not completely cuz the babies good :-)

Pain started last night really bad.
Didn't sleep.
Random contractions.
Could barely move.

Today 1:15. Peed. Lost plug. Then peed, in which I thought was my water breaking. Jk not :/

Anyways checked into ER like 330 ish. False alarm. Checked me, checked the baby.

His heart rate was good and I'm still at 1cm.

I hate the vaginal exams, maybe this one will get things moving.

Time to watch a movie now. In my bed. Still pregnant.
But I'm plug-less.
Let's hope my water breaks :)

I wanna meet my baby boy!
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The pain is getting unbearable. It's not even contractions, its simply getting up from a sitting position, moving my left leg at all, trying to reposition to get more comfortable and its awful. At first I thought maybe I was just whiney, but this is a real concern. What the heck? Is this normal?

I'm due in 7 days.

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7 days.

Till due date. Will he just come then? I want him to come now. I'm too abxious. How can I act like I'm not excited?
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So after yesterdays events, I'm getting really nervous about labor. Can I do this? Of course I can!!! I hope :/ I'm so anxious to meet my little guy.
It's been decided since day one were are declining vaccines, and no not for the autism statistics. I just down right don't like them. I'm doubting myself, its like I have no brain anymore. I just need support :/ Someone anyone? It's been rough around here to say the least.
Classes started and I'm doing good, I don't wanna fail. I just seriously don't feel like me right now. 8 days till due date, we'll see.
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Today was interesting none the less.
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My dexter riley.

I really miss taking pictures. I need to take more.... Blaiden will be here soon. He better be a ham lol

OB update.
1cm dilated & 60% effaced.

6-7lbs guesstimate.

Target & Ihop w/mom :)
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Worst day.

Sums it up..
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I'm beginning to be addicted to lil baby clothes that look like big people clothes... so freakin cute!!! Blaiden got some goodies from his grandma donna today.

Walked the mall, hoping to get some contractions started. Didn't wk, so far :(

But got some cutsie things for his wardrobe and nummy dinner.

Good day.

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Cats and Babies. 4 cats and a small dog... they've been the babies since day one, I'm really nervous and sad for how they are gonna take it when Blaiden arrives. The cats all sleep in bed with us, and when the baby comes.... they are being booted for awhile... until Blaiden is a little older... how do you better prepare a cat?

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HTC app called camera fun!!!

I like it!!!!
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I was driving today.
& I see a dog. Laying on the curb, it's dark outside. Its about 615pm, i'm convinced the dog had been hit by a car. He's just panting and drooling, a pit bull with two different colored eyes. Being pregnant, about to pop, I decide to stay in my car and call animal control. I get them on the phone and I couldn't see the name of the cross street so i decide to get out. My hazard lights are on, but im kinda parked in the middle of the street, no one stops. So nice, right!?! Well animal control is on the way... And finally a guy decides to stop, so we stand there and stare at the dog. So sad :( Then a guy comes jogging around the corner, he stops too. Then I decide maybe i should give him some water, HALARIOUS!! He gets right up, like theres nothing wrong. Drinks my water and acts like my best friend. No tags, No collar, and seriously I think he was deaf. He just started wondering. Aimlessly, didn't hear a thing. I'm like wait, your rides on its way you have to stay. LoL. Yeah he just cruised around, while I am laughing because i really thought he was hurt... So animal control came, hopefully he'll find a good home. He was a sweet dog. A little special, but sweet.



Mom I'm ready for my close up.
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17 days to go.... or less, please let it be less. I'm so uncomfortable. My feet swell so bad, my hand is tingle and numb.

I feel like my house isnt clean enough which it isn't :/ his room is :-) I need to better clean mine, and make the house more welcoming for visitors after.

Classes started today.
Still need my book.

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I really suck at this everyday thing :/ I just need a normal working computer. I love my phones camera. Awesome pics, and yes we had Christmas in Jan. 18 days to go till due date. I dunno if I can wait. I'm getting seriously impatient.

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I suck at this lately. These past few days I've been so uncomfortable, I'm so ready for this baby. I can barely walk, I jump down everyone's throat. I'm so irritable. Due Feb 3rd that's a joke. Dr please on Monday if it doesn't happen before, this baby needs out before I lose my mind.... I'm ready!!!!
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Tomorrow. It'd be the perfect day for my little man to be born. 1.11.11... his room is so cute :)
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Graco, Logan... in the Jetta.

Took one full hour from unpacking it, assembling straps, installing in car... twice.. first on the passenger side realized I couldn't get it unlatched at that angle, ended up in the middle... so cute :)
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1.9.11 [nesting]

Got a lot accomplished today... cleaned my car, installed the carseat, cleaned his room... again, put the mini pack in play in our room, stocked it with supplies, cleaned the bathroom, did some laundry... bought a cute outfit for Blaiden.... visited with the bestie... hmm what else lol.

It was a good day. 7 contractions, a couple were intense... I walked a lot ...

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I kinda suck right now... ill get better once my desktop computer is fixed and its not so uncomfortable to sit and type. My phone is the center of ny universe right now...
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I kinda suck right now... ill get better once my desktop computer is fixed and its not so uncomfortable to sit and type. My phone is the center of ny universe right now...
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Blaiden oRion

He's kicking me and rolling around. I'm not sure how he even has room. I'm so excited, 26 days till D day :) If not sooner. Can't wait to meet him!!!
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Pictured is my Brother, Andrew and his lady friend Erin.
He posted a buncha pictures so i high jacked a couple. He looks happy, right?!? Skinny, but happy. I'm so excited for him to visit in March.. Damn Army, never letting him come home, everyone needs family time. Especially my baby brother.. LoL.

I love you and miss you Bubba, i'm very proud of you though. You've done something really brave. I know at times your miserable but when i see pictures like these i know your happy. Missing you so much!! If i wasn't pregnant, & i was rich id come visit.. But you'll be home soon enough and you'll get to meet your nephew BLAIDEN!!!



So I didn't post yesterday, but i'm posting now about yesterday. That counts right?!? Of course it does! DING! I write like I talk BTW, who uses capitals and punctuation in a real conversation, although i have caught myself saying "LOL" literally. Anyways, back to yesterday!

I woke up around 1030 am maybe, because I didn't fall asleep till nearly 5 am. Pregnancy has worsened my insomnia and increased boredom. Poor Dexter, hes use to being let out to go potty much earlier, but he didn't seem to complain. I had a doctors appointment but it was rescheduled. So I headed to my Moms to bug her. We visited the puppies next door, and man if i wasn't pregnant i would have jumped the fence to free this little mutt they had locked in a cat carrier :( So sad.

I then went home to get ready and meet the hubs so we could meet his parents for dinner. We had to be there by 6pm and we were actually early, yay us. But his parents were just a tad late, that was not okay with the "lovely" hostess. Needless to say we didn't get to go to the actual event we were suppose to go tom instead we just sat for regular dinner service.. <-- sounds so proper.. Anywhoo, the service was terrible one disaster after the next. The worst part was Bobby's steak came and literally it looked as if it just came from the meat stand, it was foul.

It was fun though, we laughed a lot. Discussed Blaidens future schooling and laughed somemore.



Long day. That's it, for today.
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Today was a good day. Visited with my mom. Then got to hang out with Diane and her little man. It's so cute when I hold him on my tummy, Blaiden kicks... lol... oh and I got to way one of aidens tummy cookies from Target :) lol

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Dinner tonight was so good. It was kinda like veggie soup with meat. Very proud of myself.
Didn't do much today, used way to much of my energy yesterday... still need to install the carseat!!! Which might I add is so cute, I love it. It's the Graco, Logan. I cant believe I'm due in 32 days.... not too long ago I thought the end was never here. I'm sad that my laptop sucks, so I blog from my phone. It's pretty easy though. Anywho gonna watch "The Craigslist killer" on lifetime. Until tomorrow.... or maybe later...

Mandy and Blaiden out.... lol
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Today was a productive day. I had a lot of energy, surprising since i only have 33 days left till this little boy makes his debut. I've never been so excited in my life.

I have so much to say yet i have writers block, it may be because i don't have a lap to set the computer on and type comfortably. Anyways, We cleaned the living room today, like a deep clean. Moved the couches, vaccummed and cleaned the floors. Even re-arranged pictures on the walls. I'm gonna need more wall space for this little guys pictures.

Classes start next week, i'm really excited yet kinda nervous at the same time. Due date is so near, so much to do still, well it feels like it. I really have to finish these classes, i cant procrastinate, its all part of my 2011 plan. In general just be better!!!


Till tomorrow-
Mandy out...


Amazing cookie recipe!!!

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365 days of Mandy 1.1.11

So I was planning a much more awesome 1st blog. But this one is gonna be short and sweet.
Pregnant with my first baby, due Feb 3rd, Blaiden Orion. He will be my main focus, I plan on being the best mommy ever.... getting my RE LIC this year, working on my classes at Palomar and getting a good job.

Till tomorrow... or maybe later...
Mandy -
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