So I didn't post yesterday, but i'm posting now about yesterday. That counts right?!? Of course it does! DING! I write like I talk BTW, who uses capitals and punctuation in a real conversation, although i have caught myself saying "LOL" literally. Anyways, back to yesterday!
I woke up around 1030 am maybe, because I didn't fall asleep till nearly 5 am. Pregnancy has worsened my insomnia and increased boredom. Poor Dexter, hes use to being let out to go potty much earlier, but he didn't seem to complain. I had a doctors appointment but it was rescheduled. So I headed to my Moms to bug her. We visited the puppies next door, and man if i wasn't pregnant i would have jumped the fence to free this little mutt they had locked in a cat carrier :( So sad.
I then went home to get ready and meet the hubs so we could meet his parents for dinner. We had to be there by 6pm and we were actually early, yay us. But his parents were just a tad late, that was not okay with the "lovely" hostess. Needless to say we didn't get to go to the actual event we were suppose to go tom instead we just sat for regular dinner service.. <-- sounds so proper.. Anywhoo, the service was terrible one disaster after the next.
The worst part was Bobby's steak came and literally it looked as if it just came from the meat stand, it was foul. It was fun though, we laughed a lot. Discussed Blaidens future schooling and laughed somemore.