I've been having a really hard time sleeping lately. So last night i decided to turn on good old pandore super low, a meditation station. Guess what?! It worked. I slept really good. Also helped that i locked the cats out of the room, no wet noses in my face or purring @ volume 10. Needless to say @ 630 when the alarm went off i was ready for my day.... LoL. So i got ready, filled my cup with some yummy java and headed to the dealership. Appointment was @ 730. I love sitting in a waiting room full of .. noone.. i was all by my self. So what did i do.. Well besides displaying Genas business cards ever so beautifully, i read some magazines, dreamt of owning a Touareg... lol Then the shuttle came, the driver was VERY talkative and he said i looked 28?? Are you kidding me 28!! wow anywhoo.. got to work @ 8:30, Gena was
"uber proud". The work day was filled with Website stuff, it was funny.. OMG!! We are soo not meant to be web designers lol... Needless to say it was a good day. I just went more in detail about the dealership then i did my day @ work. When really work was way more intense. Someday i'll post a video, its the a comedy show. Gena know. LoL. So i'm home now, feeling creative. What to do-