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Lonely - Sleepless nights
My nights have turned into my least favorite. So uncomfortable, twitchy, hot then cold, bored... Everyone sleeps but us...Baby is up, kicking and tossing and turning too. I feel so lonely but I know he has to work so I just play on my phone.... I just wanna get some sleep but I don't know how. I miss sleeping on my stomach. Soon ill be able to sleep right?!? Due in 39 days...
Christmas 2010
Grandma never fails at decor... even if its just tacos on the table :)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Blaiden Orion ...
He's due 2/3/11...but when will he decide to come. I'm kinda ok with soon...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
next year... to come
I have recruited a buddy lol, the bestie. We are gonna do a 365 day blog, or as much or often as we can. I'm gonna be a new mommy and she is a mommy. We have crazy lives.. tons to blog about... see you in 2011.... everyday???
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
music to my ears....

I've been having a really hard time sleeping lately. So last night i decided to turn on good old pandore super low, a meditation station. Guess what?! It worked. I slept really good. Also helped that i locked the cats out of the room, no wet noses in my face or purring @ volume 10. Needless to say @ 630 when the alarm went off i was ready for my day.... LoL. So i got ready, filled my cup with some yummy java and headed to the dealership. Appointment was @ 730. I love sitting in a waiting room full of .. noone.. i was all by my self. So what did i do.. Well besides displaying Genas business cards ever so beautifully, i read some magazines, dreamt of owning a Touareg... lol Then the shuttle came, the driver was VERY talkative and he said i looked 28?? Are you kidding me 28!! wow anywhoo.. got to work @ 8:30, Gena was
"uber proud". The work day was filled with Website stuff, it was funny.. OMG!! We are soo not meant to be web designers lol... Needless to say it was a good day. I just went more in detail about the dealership then i did my day @ work. When really work was way more intense. Someday i'll post a video, its the a comedy show. Gena know. LoL. So i'm home now, feeling creative. What to do-
Cherry Pepsi.

I dunno what it is about cherry pepsi but i think i love it more then rootbeer lately.. mm so good.
So i woke up this morning and my thumb just wouldnt function, i couldnt get the foil top off the creamer, this happens often. Well i go to lunch and i go to pick up my sandwich and i look at my left hand and no joke theres a lil golf ball sized bump on my writs area. No wonder my thumb doesnt wanna work, what the heck happen, did i beat myself up in my sleep?
My weekend..
Rainy Day

I really do love my job, i love Gena my boss. She's full of GREAT ideas and i feel im gonna go far with her help. Like this morning she walked in and was super excited about something she learned about Thats what i love about her, shes very simple with happiness, she has good energy. I need good energy.
Hmm i wonder if its gonna rain today like it did yesterday, no joke i drove through a foot of water while buckets were pouring down. I'm in a great mood..
ok thats all for now.
before bed...

So its 10:45 and i need to go to bed. All this earthquake stuff is kinda scarey, watching youtube videos is kinda something you dont wanna do. Its so sad, i dont like things that arent really in our control (earthquakes..eek)
Everytime my cats or dog acts weird now i prepare myself to be shook.
My heart goes out to anyone whos been in a natural disater.
Litter Box Blues.
Is there such thing as a litter mat that actually works? I swear not matter what i put under or near the litter box, it does not keep litter from being everywhere. I'm very bothered by this sweeping and swiffering daily stuff.
Just a "mandy" day

So today i've decided i need a new chapter in life. I'm gonna blog. Write stuff down (type) and maybe i'll be less stressed ya know. I always have alot to say but it seems sometimes i cant exactly get out what i need to say. I have so much going on right now but i kinda liek it chaotic. I'm taking Real Estate classes, trying to make home feel like home, being a mom to 5 fur kids.. Yes!! I 5 animals, 4 cats and 1 tiny dog. Dexter is a long haired 4 lb chihuahua. Molly is a pastel siamese with a sever attitude, Bitten is a tabby who needs too much attention but he loves me, Touareg is a cow tabby lol & then there is Jetta the hermit tabby who only has use of one eye... Its like a zoo...I have wood floors and let me tell you i picked the "wrong" color for pet hair. It always looks dirty. I'm 25 and just trying to make something of myself. A future.
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